新的AI软件可以从脑部扫描中确定中风发作,使治疗精确度翻倍。 New AI software can pinpoint stroke onset from brain scans, doubling treatment accuracy.
来自帝国学院伦敦分校和慕尼黑技术大学的研究人员开发了AI软件,通过阅读脑扫描可以准确地确定中风何时发生。 Researchers from Imperial College London and Technical University of Munich have developed AI software that can accurately determine when a stroke occurred by reading brain scans. 这一技术的准确度是目前方法的两倍,可以帮助医生决定是否可以治疗中风,可能使有资格接受适当治疗的病人增加50%。 This technology is twice as accurate as current methods and can help doctors decide if the stroke can be treated, potentially making up to 50% more patients eligible for appropriate treatment. 该软件将并入联合王国国家保健服务系统。 The software is set to be integrated into the UK's National Health Service.