爱丁堡大学和邓迪大学研究人员利用AI分析160万次脑扫描,以预测痴呆症风险,并开发早期诊断工具。 Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee researchers use AI to analyze 1.6 million brain scans to predict dementia risk and develop an early diagnosis tool.
爱丁堡大学和邓迪研究人员是全球NEURii合作的一部分,他们计划利用AI分析多达160万次脑扫描,以预测痴呆症风险,并开发早期诊断工具。 Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee researchers, part of the global NEURii collaboration, plan to analyze up to 1.6 million brain scans using AI to predict dementia risk and develop a tool for early diagnosis. AI工具旨在为放射学家创建数字工具,用于扫描病人、帮助确定他们的痴呆风险和诊断早期疾病。 The AI tool is aimed at creating a digital tool for radiologists to use when scanning patients, helping determine their dementia risk and diagnose early-stage diseases. 通过确定高危病人群体,研究人员希望为各种痴呆症(如老年痴呆症)制定更精确的治疗方法,因为新的治疗方法在疾病的早期阶段更为有效。 By identifying high-risk patient groups, the researchers hope to develop more precise treatments for various types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, as new treatments are more effective in the early stages of the disease.