Mariah Carey证实她所拍摄的Potify包装视频不是AI制作的, Mariah Carey confirms her Spotify Wrapped video was not AI-generated, addressing quality concerns amid industry AI debates.
流行音乐偶像玛丽亚·凯里否认她的Spotify Wrapped视频是人工智能生成的谣言,感谢粉丝们支持她的音乐,并庆祝她"圣诞快乐"专辑30周年. Pop icon Mariah Carey dismissed rumors that her Spotify Wrapped video was AI-generated, thanking fans for supporting her music and celebrating the 30th anniversary of her "Merry Christmas" album. 她谈到对视频质量的担忧,指出她不喜欢灯光差和红口红,并证实录像中是她。 She addressed concerns about the video's quality, noting her dislike for bad lighting and red lipstick, and confirmed it was her in the footage. 这起事件是在音乐行业讨论使用人工智能的道德问题时发生的。 The incident comes amid discussions in the music industry about the ethical use of AI.