YouTube在内容识别系统中介绍了对未经授权合成音乐的人工智能检测。 YouTube introduces AI-detection for unauthorized synthetic music within Content ID system.
据了解,YouTube在其内容识别系统中推出了一种合成歌唱识别工具, 以打击未经授权的AI生成音乐, YouTube has launched a synthetic-singing identification tool within its Content ID system to combat unauthorized AI-generated music, prompted by a viral song mimicking Drake and The Weeknd. 超过200名音乐家, 包括Billie Eilish和Stevie Wonder, 都呼吁防止滥用人工智能。 Over 200 musicians, including Billie Eilish and Stevie Wonder, have called for protections against AI misuse. YouTube的目的是通过开发技术,检测人工智能生成的内容,防止未经授权使用其相似性和声音,从而保障创作者的权利。 YouTube aims to safeguard creators' rights by developing technologies to detect AI-generated content and prevent the unauthorized use of their likeness and voices.