Larry D. Gibson, 66岁,因儿童色情罪被捕,每个罪状面临长达30年的监禁。 Larry D. Gibson, 66, arrested for child pornography charges, faces up to 30 years per count.
Larry D. Gibson, 66岁,来自伊利诺伊州埃芬汉姆,被捕并被指控犯有7项传播儿童色情制品罪和5项拥有儿童色情制品罪,每项传播罪长达30年,每项拥有罪最高7年。 Larry D. Gibson, a 66-year-old from Effingham, Illinois, has been arrested and charged with seven counts of disseminating child pornography and five counts of possession, facing up to 30 years for each dissemination charge and up to seven years for each possession charge. Gibson是在调查人员在搜查其家时发现儿童性虐待材料后被拘留的。 Gibson was detained after investigators found child sexual abuse material during a search of his home. 该案正由伊利诺伊州检察长Kwame Raoul的办公室和埃芬汉州检察官Aaron Jones联合起诉。 The case is being co-prosecuted by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul's office and Effingham County State's Attorney Aaron Jones.