J & K警察突袭斯利那加的住宅, 没收与传播虚假信息及煽动暴力有关的材料。 J&K Police raid homes in Srinagar to seize materials linked to spreading false info and inciting violence.
查谟和克什米尔警察对斯利那加进行突袭,没收Abdul Hamid Parry家中的材料,作为对散布虚假和恶意信息的调查的一部分。 Jammu and Kashmir Police conducted raids in Srinagar, seizing materials from Abdul Hamid Parry's home as part of an investigation into spreading false and malicious information. 袭击旨在摧毁煽动非法活动和暴力的网络。 The raids aim to dismantle a network that incites unlawful activities and violence. 计划对其他嫌疑人进行进一步突袭。 Further raids are planned on other suspects. 警察敦促公众负责任地使用社交媒体,避免分享煽动暴力或扰乱公共秩序的内容。 Police urged the public to use social media responsibly to avoid sharing content that promotes violence or disrupts public order.