古吉拉特监狱的囚犯在直肠中隐藏智能手机;当局发现充电器,从而发现手机。 Inmate in Gujarat jail hides smartphone in rectum; authorities discover charger, leading to phone's detection.
在古吉拉特邦Bhavnagar,一名被指控犯有强奸罪的33岁囚犯被发现在其直肠中隐藏了一部三英寸移动电话。 In Bhavnagar, Gujarat, a 33-year-old inmate accused of rape was found hiding a three-inch mobile phone in his rectum. 当局在搜查过程中在一个坑中发现了一台电话充电器,引起怀疑。 Authorities discovered a phone charger in a pit during a search, leading to suspicions. T爵士医院的X光检查证实了电话的存在。 An X-ray at Sir T Hospital confirmed the phone's presence. 监狱主管L M Rathod评论了这一事件。 The jail superintendent, L M Rathod, commented on the incident. 现在调查员正在调查电话和充电器是如何被带进监狱的。 Investigators are now looking into how the phone and charger were brought into the jail.