Santa Clara县的医院因非法倾倒有害医疗废物而面临调查,并面临巨额罚款的风险。 Hospitals in Santa Clara County face investigation for illegally dumping hazardous medical waste, risking hefty fines.
Santa Clara县医院正在调查非法倾倒有害医疗废物,包括人体组织、芬太尼和病人数据。 Santa Clara County hospitals are under investigation for illegally dumping hazardous medical waste, including human tissue, fentanyl, and patient data. 地区检察官办公室在过去一年中发现了对数万件物品处置不当的证据。 The District Attorney's Office found evidence of improper disposal of tens of thousands of items over the past year. 医院每发生危险废物,最高可处以70 000美元的罚款,医疗废物可处以10 000美元的罚款。 The hospitals could face fines up to $70,000 per instance of hazardous waste and $10,000 for medical waste. 保健系统正在实施纠正行动,以解决这些问题。 The healthcare system is implementing corrective actions to address the issues.