汉密尔顿警方关闭了毒品市场 逮捕了57人 并没收芬太尼和甲基安非他明 Hamilton police shut down a drug market, making 57 arrests and seizing fentanyl and methamphetamine.
汉密尔顿警方关闭了首都国王和东部地区的“露天”毒品市场, Hamilton police shut down an "open-air" drug market in the city's King and East area after a five-week operation. 该项目逮捕了57人,提出了100多项指控,缉获了大量毒品,包括芬太尼和甲基苯丙胺。 The project resulted in 57 arrests and over 100 charges, with large amounts of drugs including fentanyl and methamphetamine seized. 警方与该市合作,改善照明和限制出入,目的是恢复邻居的安全。 Police worked with the city to improve lighting and restrict access, aiming to restore safety in the neighborhood.