开始为戈佐的新医院进行地质技术研究,其特色是现代化建筑和扩大设施。 Geotechnical studies begin for Gozo's new hospital, featuring a modern building and expanded facilities.
卫生部长Jo Etienne Abela宣布,目前正在为建造一个新的Gozo综合医院进行地质技术研究。 Geotechnical studies are underway for the construction of a new Gozo General Hospital, announced Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela. 该项目将包括一座现代化医院大楼,并配有康复设施和扩建的停车场。 The project will include a modern hospital building with a rehabilitation facility and an expanded parking lot. 这些初步研究评估了土壤和岩石特性,以确保结构的安全和耐久性。 These initial studies assess soil and rock properties to ensure the structure's safety and durability. 施工将分阶段进行,以维持持续的医疗服务。 Construction will proceed in phases to maintain ongoing medical services.