加纳夸尔姆-LMI财团承诺在400天内完成推迟的Saglemi住房项目,包括1 500个单元。 Ghana's Quarm-LMI Consortium pledges to finish the delayed Saglemi Housing Project, including 1,500 units, within 400 days.
加纳的夸尔姆-LMI财团的目标是在400天内完成推迟的Saglemi住房项目,其中包括1 500多个单元。 The Quarm-LMI Consortium in Ghana aims to complete the delayed Saglemi Housing Project, including over 1,500 units, within 400 days. 该项目旨在提供负担得起的住房,但由于资金问题和基础设施不完善,项目面临拖延。 The project, intended to provide affordable housing, faced delays due to funding issues and incomplete infrastructure. 联营集团计划进行结构测试和对单位部分进行重新设计,以确保安全和质量,然后才能供购买。 The consortium plans to conduct structural tests and re-engineer parts of the units to ensure safety and quality before making them available for purchase.