家庭调查 如果失踪的夏威夷女人汉娜 Kobayashi参与 绿卡婚姻骗局。 Family investigates if missing Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi was involved in a green card marriage scam.
夏威夷失踪妇女Hannah Kobayashi的家人正在调查她可能卷入绿卡婚姻骗局的指控。 The family of missing Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi is investigating claims she may have been involved in a green card marriage scam. Kobayashi,30岁,在洛杉矶降落后失踪 并且没有登上飞往纽约的航班 Kobayashi, 30, disappeared after landing in Los Angeles and not boarding her flight to New York. 安保录像显示她自愿越境进入墨西哥。 Security footage shows her crossing into Mexico voluntarily. 她的家人尚未证实可能秘密结婚的细节,理由是缺乏证据。 Her family has not confirmed details of a possible secret marriage, citing a lack of evidence. 她父亲在失踪后因自杀而死亡。 Her father died by suicide after her disappearance. FBI正在调查潜在的骗局 The FBI is investigating the potential scam.