Glasgow国王George V Docks的炮火造成爆炸声大增,居民令人震惊,但并未造成重大伤害。 Equipment fire at Glasgow's King George V Docks caused loud explosion, alarming residents but not causing major harm.
位于格拉斯哥的皮尔港乔治五世国王码头发生小型设备火灾,导致整个城市和克莱德班克都听到了巨大的爆炸声。 A minor equipment fire at Peel Ports' King George V Docks in Glasgow caused a loud explosion heard across the city and as far as Clydebank. 这一事件与第三方承包商有关,造成大量烟雾,居民令人震惊。 The incident, related to a third-party contractor, produced a large plume of smoke, alarming residents. 尽管有噪音和烟雾,但当局证实这不是一个重大事件。 Despite the noise and smoke, authorities confirmed it was not a major event.