48岁的David Carroll 因抢劫教堂和都柏林其他地方被判处2.5年监禁。 David Carroll, 48, sentenced to 2.5 years for robbing a church and other places in Dublin.
David Carroll, 48岁,有犯罪历史和吸毒成瘾,被判处2.5年监禁,罪名是抢劫圣弗朗西斯·泽维尔教堂三次,并在4个月内从都柏林其他两个地方偷盗。 David Carroll, a 48-year-old with a criminal history and drug addiction, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for robbing St Francis Xavier Church three times and stealing from two other places in Dublin within four months. Orla Crowe法官考虑了他的认罪、合作和个人情况,暂停了他最后六个月的刑期。 Judge Orla Crowe considered his guilty pleas, cooperation, and personal circumstances, suspending the final six months of his sentence. 所有被盗物品都没有被追回。 All stolen items were not recovered.