理事会成员Paul Krekorian被任命监督洛杉矶2028年奥林匹克运动会和其他重大活动。 Councilmember Paul Krekorian appointed to oversee LA's 2028 Olympics and other major events.
洛杉矶理事会成员Paul Krekorian已被卡伦·巴斯市长任命为该市重大活动办公室执行主任。 Los Angeles Councilmember Paul Krekorian has been appointed as the executive director of the city's Office of Major Events by Mayor Karen Bass. Krekorian将监督2028年奥运会、2026年世界杯和2027年超级碗的筹备工作,目的是通过这些重大活动促进城市经济。 In this role, Krekorian will oversee preparations for the 2028 Olympics, the 2026 World Cup, and the 2027 Super Bowl, aiming to boost the city's economy through these major events. 他将担任该市与这些活动的组织者之间的关键联络人。 He will serve as a key liaison between the city and the organizers of these events.