Patrick Eidman,前内华达州游乐场首席执行官,被任命为助理县执行官。 Patrick Eidman, former Nevada County Fairgrounds CEO, appointed as Assistant County Executive Officer.
Patrick Eidman是内华达州第四代首席执行官、内华达州游乐场前首席执行官,自3月3日起被任命为该州新的助理县执行官。 Patrick Eidman, a fourth-generation Nevadan and former CEO of the Nevada County Fairgrounds, has been appointed as the county's new Assistant County Executive Officer, starting March 3. Eidman在公共和私营部门都工作过,将监督政策执行、支持县级业务和管理新闻办公室。 Eidman, who has worked in both public and private sectors, will oversee policy execution, support county operations, and manage the public information office. 他以前管理着2 000万美元的预算,在应对野火的努力中发挥了关键作用。 He previously managed a $20 million budget and played a key role in wildfire response efforts. Eidman 拥有学士学位。 Eidman holds a B.A. 环境研究,重点是城市和区域规划。 in Environmental Studies with an emphasis on City and Regional Planning.