加拿大HMCS温哥华号军舰经过为期六个月的印度-太平洋历史性部署后重返家园。 Canadian warship HMCS Vancouver returns home after historic six-month Indo-Pacific deployment.
加拿大HMCS温哥华号军舰在向印度-太平洋区域部署六个月后重返家园,在那里参加了RIMPAC等重大演习,并首次在加拿大或美国领土之外重新武装其导弹,从而在澳大利亚境内创造了历史。 The Canadian warship HMCS Vancouver returned home after a six-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific region, where it participated in major exercises like RIMPAC and made history by rearming its missiles in Australia for the first time outside of Canadian or American territory. 该船在台湾海峡等地区维护国际法,并表明加拿大对区域和平与安全的承诺。 The ship upheld international law in areas like the Taiwan Strait and demonstrated Canada's commitment to regional peace and security. 机组人员回到不列颠哥伦比亚省埃斯奎马尔特,正好赶上节假日。 The crew returned to Esquimalt, British Columbia, just in time for the holidays.