白俄罗斯正在打击男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者,三个月内逮捕和殴打超过30人。 Belarus is cracking down on LGBTQ+ individuals, with over 30 arrests and beatings in three months.
白俄罗斯正采取俄罗斯镇压男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者社群的政策, Belarus is adopting Russia's repressive policies against the LGBTQ+ community, with police reportedly detaining and beating nearly 32 individuals in the last three months. 尽管1994年同性恋被非刑罪化,白俄罗斯不承认同性婚姻或保护男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者的权利。 Despite decriminalizing homosexuality in 1994, Belarus does not recognize same-sex marriages or protect LGBTQ+ rights. 禁止“同性恋宣传”的立法与俄罗斯法律相似, 俄罗斯法律将许多同性恋、双性恋、变性者和跨性别者推向流亡或地下。 The country is considering legislation to ban "gay propaganda," similar to Russia's laws, which have pushed many LGBTQ+ individuals into exile or underground.