保加利亚国民议会批准了一项禁止在学校和幼儿园推广非传统性取向的禁令。 Bulgaria's National Assembly approved a ban on promoting non-traditional sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens.
保加利亚国民议会批准了一项禁止在学校和幼儿园推广“非传统性取向”的禁令,立法得到大多数立法者的支持。 Bulgaria's National Assembly approved a ban on promoting "non-traditional sexual orientation" in schools and kindergartens, with the legislation supported by a majority of legislators. 该法律禁止任何形式的与非传统性取向和性别认同有关的宣传、推广或煽动,引发了保加利亚赫尔辛基委员会等人权组织的批评,他们认为该法案违反了基本人权,具有歧视性。 The law prohibits any form of propaganda, promotion, or incitement related to non-traditional sexual orientation and gender identity, sparking criticism from rights groups like the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, who argue that the bill violates basic human rights and is discriminatory.