Apple Plan OLED 升级iPad 和 MacBook 的iPad 和 MacBook 线,其可折叠设备设为 2028 年。 Apple plans OLED upgrades for iPad and MacBook lines, with a foldable device set for 2028.
苹果泄漏的显示路线图显示即将发生的变化:iPad迷你和iPad Air将分别从2026年和2027年开始向 OLED 屏幕过渡。 Apple's leaked display roadmap suggests upcoming changes: The iPad mini and iPad Air will transition to OLED screens starting in 2026 and 2027, respectively. iPad Pro将保留其OLED面板,但于2028年升级。 The iPad Pro will keep its OLED panels but upgrade in 2028. MacBook Air将在2028年获得更大的OLED屏幕,并计划在同年安装一个可折叠的18.8英寸装置,将iPad和MacBook功能结合起来。 MacBook Air will get larger OLED screens in 2028, and a foldable 18.8-inch device combining iPad and MacBook features is planned for the same year. 显示专家Ross Young 支持这些预测。 Display specialist Ross Young supports these predictions.