英国最高军事头目警告全球核威胁中“第三个核时代”。 UK's top military chief warns of a "third nuclear age" amid global nuclear threats.
联合王国国防参谋长托尼·拉达金上将警告说,全球核威胁不断上升,过去缺乏安全措施,“第三个核时代”即将到来。 Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the UK's Chief of Defence Staff, warns of a "third nuclear age" with rising global nuclear threats and a lack of past security measures. 他注意到俄罗斯的核姿态,中国的武库扩张,伊朗的核野心,以及北朝鲜的不可预测的行动。 He notes Russia's nuclear posturing, China's arsenal expansion, Iran's nuclear ambitions, and North Korea's unpredictable actions. 尽管存在这些威胁,Radakin指出,俄罗斯不可能直接攻击联合王国或北约,强调维持强有力的核威慑的重要性。 Despite these threats, Radakin states that a direct attack by Russia on the UK or NATO is unlikely, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent. 他还着重指出,在发生危机时必须迅速建立军事力量,并警告说,在一次重大冲突中,联合王国军队可能在6至12个月内枯竭。 He also highlights the need to rapidly build military strength in case of a crisis, warning that the UK Army could be depleted within six to twelve months in a major conflict.