朗普在WSJ大吵大闹 关于他被提名者遭遇挫折的报道 称报纸为"讨厌" Trump lashes out at WSJ over reports of setbacks with his nominees, calling the paper "obnoxious."
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普批评《华尔街日报》报道其关键职位(包括缉毒局和国防部长角色)提名人遇到挫折。 President-elect Donald Trump criticized The Wall Street Journal for reporting on setbacks with his nominees for key positions, including the DEA and Defense Secretary roles. Trump在社群媒体上称报纸“令人憎恶且无法读懂”, Trump called the newspaper "obnoxious and unreadable" on social media, suggesting the outlet should reconsider its approach. WSJ报告说,Trump的DEA选手Chad Chronister撤回其候选资格,尽管Trump后来声称他将Chronister从审议中除名。 The WSJ reported that Trump's DEA pick, Chad Chronister, withdrew his candidacy, though Trump later claimed he removed Chronister from consideration.