前总统特朗普(Trump)控告报纸和传票者, 指控选举干涉爱荷华州。 Former President Trump sues newspaper and pollster, alleging election interference in Iowa.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已对Des Moines Register、授票员安·塞尔泽(Ann Selzer)和报纸母公司甘内特(Gannett)提起诉讼, Former President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against the Des Moines Register, pollster Ann Selzer, and Gannett, the parent company of the newspaper, alleging "brazen election interference" and fraud over a pre-election poll that showed Vice President Kamala Harris leading in Iowa. 尽管民意调查,特朗普还是赢得了州13个百分点以上。 Despite the poll, Trump won the state by over 13 percentage points. 特朗普声称民调被泄露 并被操纵影响选举结果 Trump claims the poll was leaked and manipulated to influence the election's outcome. 这项诉讼遵循了对媒体机构采取法律行动的历史,是在与ABC新闻公司达成数百万美元的和解之后提出的。 This lawsuit follows a history of legal actions against media outlets and comes after a multimillion-dollar settlement with ABC News.