铁路招聘委员会公布ALP考试的临时答复,允许在12月10日之前提出反对。 Railway Recruitment Boards release provisional answers for ALP exam, allowing objections till Dec 10.
铁路招聘委员会公布了11月25日至29日举行的助理Loco试点(ALP)招聘考试临时关键答案。 The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) released the provisional answer key for the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) recruitment exam held from November 25 to 29. 候选人可以使用他们的登记号码和出生日期,从正式的RRB网站上下载答题钥匙。 Candidates can download the answer key from the official RRB website using their registration number and date of birth. 提出反对意见的链接开放至12月10日,每个问题收费50卢比。 The link to raise objections is open until December 10, with a fee of Rs 50 per question. 征聘工作旨在填补18 799个ALP职位,涉及五个阶段:两次计算机测试、能力测试、文件核实和体检。 The recruitment aims to fill 18,799 ALP positions, involving five stages: two computer-based tests, an aptitude test, document verification, and a medical exam.