BPSC公布了比哈尔省1-5年级教师招聘考试3.0的最后答案。 BPSC publishes final answer key for Teacher Recruitment Exam 3.0 for Classes 1-5 in Bihar.
Bihar公共服务委员会(BPSC)在8月发布临时密钥后,在其网站上公布了教师招聘考试的最后答案,即1-5年级教师招聘考试为3.0。 The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has published the final answer key for the Teacher Recruitment Exam (TRE) 3.0 for Classes 1-5 on its website, following a provisional key released in August. 候选人可以在9月2日至5日提出异议. Candidates could raise objections from September 2-5. 为了填补比哈尔的87,774个教师职位, 于7月19日至22日重新进行了TRE. The TRE was re-administered from July 19-22, aiming to fill 87,774 teacher positions in Bihar. 尚未取得结果,预计不久将为其他主题提供其他最后答案。 Results are pending, with additional final answer keys expected for other subjects soon.