父母在允许未成年者饮酒后面临包括过失杀人在内的指控,这导致格鲁吉亚发生致命的车祸。 Parents face charges including manslaughter after allowing underage drinking that led to a fatal car crash in Georgia.
在格鲁吉亚DeKalb县,父母Sumanth和Anindita Rao被指控允许未成年人在家中喝酒,导致一场致命的车祸,造成Lakeide高中学生Sophia Lekiachvili死亡,另有人受伤。 In DeKalb County, Georgia, parents Sumanth and Anindita Rao were indicted for allegedly allowing underage drinking at their home, leading to a fatal car crash that killed Lakeside High School student Sophia Lekiachvili and injured others. 司机Hannah Hackemeyer和Raos面临多重指控,包括过失杀人、鲁莽行为和酒后驾车。 The driver, Hannah Hackemeyer, and the Raos face multiple charges including manslaughter, reckless conduct, and DUI. Raos 夫妇还被指控维护一个杂乱无章的房子。 The Raos are also charged with maintaining a disorderly house.