应投标人的请求,巴基斯坦国际航空(PIA)拍卖推迟到10月31日。 Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) auction postponed to October 31 at bidders' request.
巴基斯坦国际航空公司的拍卖被推迟到10月31日,因为投标人要求有更多筹备时间。 The auction for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has been postponed to October 31, following a request from bidders for more preparation time. 推迟原定于10月初进行,使6个预审合格的当事方,包括Fly Jinnah和Airbluue Ltd,得以参加。 Initially scheduled for early October, the delay allows six pre-qualified parties, including Fly Jinnah and Airblue Ltd, to participate. 巴基斯坦政府打算按照国际货币基金组织(IMF)的建议, 卖出这家正在挣扎的航空公司51%至100%的股权。 The Pakistani government aims to sell a 51-100% stake in the struggling airline, aligning with recommendations from the International Monetary Fund.