北朝鲜和俄罗斯的条约,承诺提供军事支持和反对西方制裁,生效。 North Korea and Russia's treaty, promising military support and opposing Western sanctions, takes effect.
北朝鲜和俄罗斯于6月签署的《全面战略伙伴关系条约》在交换批准文件后于2024年12月4日正式生效。 The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between North Korea and Russia, signed in June, officially took effect on December 4, 2024, following the exchange of ratification documents. 该条约规定,两国均有义务在发生攻击事件时立即提供军事援助,并反对西方的制裁。 The treaty obligates both countries to provide immediate military assistance in case of an attack and to oppose Western sanctions. 它还旨在将它们的双边关系提升到新的战略水平。 It also aims to elevate their bilateral relations to a new strategic level. 朝鲜派遣数千名士兵支持俄罗斯参与乌克兰冲突, 两国因各自行动受联合国制裁。 This comes amid accusations that North Korea has sent thousands of soldiers to support Russia in the Ukraine conflict, and both countries are under UN sanctions for their respective actions.