《洛杉矶时报》计划推出AI“Bias counter”, 帮助读者发现新闻文章中潜在的偏差。 The Los Angeles Times plans to launch an AI "bias meter" to help readers detect potential bias in news articles.
《洛杉矶时报》由Patrick Soon-Shiong所有, 计划在新闻文章中推出由AI驱动的“弹道计”, 帮助读者理解潜在的偏见。 The Los Angeles Times, owned by Patrick Soon-Shiong, plans to introduce an AI-driven "bias meter" in news articles to help readers understand potential bias. 这一工具将允许查阅多种观点并鼓励读者反馈,目的是提高报告透明度和平衡。 This tool will allow access to multiple viewpoints and encourage reader feedback, aiming to enhance transparency and balance in reporting. 倡议定于明年初启动,作为振兴新闻室努力的一部分。 The initiative is set to launch early next year as part of efforts to revitalize the newsroom.