印度士兵在发现可疑动向后,在Poonch控制线附近开枪。 Indian soldiers fired shots near the Line of Control in Poonch after detecting suspicious movements.
印度陆军士兵在查谟和克什米尔Poonch区于星期三晚上在控制线附近发现可疑行动时开枪。 Indian Army soldiers in Poonch district, Jammu and Kashmir, fired upon detecting suspicious movement near the Line of Control on Wednesday night. 部队沿可能的渗透路线进行伏击,在Bagyaldara村附近发现活动,并发射了几发子弹。 The troops, on ambush duty along possible infiltration routes, spotted activity near Bagyaldara village and fired a few rounds. 没有人员伤亡的报告,黎明时发动了搜索行动,目前仍在进行中。 No casualties were reported, and a search operation was launched at daybreak and was still ongoing.