印度计划发行1 000卢比绿色债券,用于德里-孟买高速公路上生态友好型升级。 India plans to issue Rs 1,000 crore in green bonds for eco-friendly upgrades on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway.
印度国家公路管理局计划发行1 000卢比绿色债券,为德里-孟买高速公路的生态友好倡议提供资金,包括太阳能街道灯、雨水收集以及野生动物地下通道。 The National Highways Authority of India plans to issue Rs 1,000 crore in green bonds to fund eco-friendly initiatives on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, including solar streetlights, rainwater harvesting, and wildlife underpasses. 这些债券将由DME Development Ltd发行,目的是鼓励投资于可持续项目,减少车辆排放对环境的影响。 The bonds, to be issued by DME Development Ltd, aim to encourage investment in sustainable projects and reduce the environmental impact of vehicular emissions. 该倡议将于12月中旬启动。 The initiative is set to launch in mid-December.