Inslee州长签署保护鲑鱼的命令 暂停水坝诉讼长达十年 Governor Inslee signs order to protect salmon, pauses dam lawsuit for up to ten years.
华盛顿州州长Jay Inslee签署了一项行政命令,将国家承诺执行《哥伦比亚盆地恢复倡议》,旨在保护和恢复鲑鱼种群。 Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed an executive order committing the state to the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative, aiming to protect and restore salmon populations. 该命令呼吁与俄勒冈州、部落民族和联邦政府合作。 The order calls for cooperation with Oregon, tribal nations, and the federal government. 它暂停了对蛇和哥伦比亚河水坝的诉讼长达十年,以换取改善鲑鱼生境和研究水坝服务替代办法的计划。 It pauses a lawsuit against Snake and Columbia River dams for up to ten years in exchange for plans to improve salmon habitats and study alternatives to the dams' services.