格鲁吉亚一家动物收容所在细菌爆发后暂时关闭,造成三只狗死亡。 A Georgia animal shelter temporarily closed after a bacterial outbreak killed three dogs.
格鲁吉亚的Gwinnett县动物收容所暂时关闭至12月17日,因为细菌爆发,导致三只狗死亡。 A Gwinnett County animal shelter in Georgia has temporarily closed until December 17 due to a bacterial outbreak that killed three dogs. 这些细菌被确定为动物病原体,可以在狗中造成严重的健康问题,但可使用抗生素治疗。 Identified as Streptococcus zooepidemicus, the bacteria can cause severe health issues in dogs but can be treated with antibiotics. 收容所本周早些时候暂停领养,并将继续处理回生和接受生病或攻击性动物,以确保社区安全。 The shelter paused adoptions earlier this week and will continue to handle reclaims and accept sick or aggressive animals to ensure community safety.