前消防队长Steven Bartholomew被控伪造训练证书和无执照驾驶。 Former fire captain Steven Bartholomew charged with forging training certificates and driving without a license.
史蒂文·巴塞洛缪(Steven Bartholomew)是和平战士消防公司55岁前消防队长,被控伪造训练证书、无照驾驶和不顾后果危害他人。 Steven Bartholomew, a 55-year-old former fire captain at Paxtang Fire Company, was charged with forging training certificates, driving without a license, and recklessly endangering others. 据称,他伪造了七份证明,要求接受高级消防培训,并驾驶着没有有效执照的消防车。 He allegedly created seven fake certificates to claim advanced firefighting training and drove fire vehicles without a valid license. Bartholomew面临多项指控并等待预审。 Bartholomew faces multiple charges and awaits a preliminary hearing.