前消防员Donald Anthony Jr. 前消防员Donald Anthony Jr. 被捕,罪名是用偷来的卡擅自购买超过14,000美元。 Former firefighter Donald Anthony Jr. arrested for making over $14,000 in unauthorized purchases with a stolen card.
一名22岁的前Mansfield消防员Donald Anthony Jr.因据称以偷来的消防部门信用卡擅自购买超过14 000美元而被捕。 A former 22-year-old Mansfield firefighter, Donald Anthony Jr., was arrested for allegedly making over $14,000 in unauthorized purchases with a stolen fire department credit card. 2月至7月期间,该卡用于180多次交易。 The card was used in more than 180 transactions between February and July. Anthony在7月被报告给当局后,被指控犯有重罪访问装置欺诈和盗用身份罪。 Anthony was charged with felony access device fraud and identity theft after being reported to authorities in July. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.