Edupoint授予5个K-12区创新使用其协同平台,促进学习和效率。 Edupoint awarded five K-12 districts for innovative use of its Synergy platform, boosting learning and efficiency.
Edupoint宣布了第5届年度协同成就奖的获奖者。 Edupoint announced the winners of its 5th Annual Synergy Achievement Awards. 该方案表彰使用协同平台创造性地促进学生学习和精简过程的K-12学校区。 The program honors K-12 school districts that use the Synergy platform creatively to boost student learning and streamline processes. 5个区得到承认,其中2个区获得5 000美元技术赠款,3个区获得2 500美元赠款。 Five districts were recognized, with two receiving $5,000 technology grants and three getting $2,500 grants. 这些奖项是在协同连接用户会议上颁发的,突出显示了各区在定制平台以改善教育成果方面取得的成功。 The awards were presented at the Synergy Connect Users Conference, highlighting the districts' success in customizing the platform for better educational outcomes.