宗教之友和教育者Selen Alpay志愿团体获得不列颠哥伦比亚省教育伙伴关系奖。 Volunteer group Friends of qathet and educator Selen Alpay receive BC education partnership award.
Qathet和Selen Alpay的朋友是获得不列颠哥伦比亚校长和副校长协会2024年伙伴关系奖的5名获奖者之一。 Friends of qathet and Selen Alpay were among five recipients honored with the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association 2024 Partnership Award. Qathet之友是一个志愿者经营的组织,通过儿童和家庭方案支持弱势青年,而Alpay在17年多的时间里致力于提高乔治王子岛学生的教育经验。 Friends of qathet, a volunteer-run organization, supports vulnerable youth through child and family programs, while Alpay has dedicated over 17 years to enhancing educational experiences for students in Prince George. 这些奖项庆祝其第24年,表彰对不列颠哥伦比亚省当地学生和学校的贡献,并在11月22日在温哥华举行的一个仪式上颁奖。 The awards, celebrating their 24th year, recognize contributions to local students and schools across British Columbia and were presented at a ceremony in Vancouver on November 22.