迪斯尼乐园考虑更新“一个小世界”歌曲,以更好地反映现代价值观。 Disneyland considers updating "It's a Small World" song to better reflect modern values.
迪斯尼乐园正考虑改变“一个小世界”的标志性歌曲, Disneyland is considering changing the iconic "It's a Small World" song due to criticism about its dated lyrics and melody. 以其时髦的调子而闻名的吸引力因没有反映现代价值观和包容性而面临反弹。 The attraction, known for its catchy tune, has faced backlash for not reflecting modern values and inclusivity. 没有正式宣布, 但公园据说正在探索车载音乐的更新, 以更好地与今天的访客产生共鸣。 No official announcement has been made, but the park is reportedly exploring updates to the ride's music and theming to better resonate with today's visitors.