迪士尼乐园巴黎首演《魔术的迪斯尼故事》, 高科技夜间表演, 是重大扩展的一部分。 Disneyland Paris debuts "Disney Tales of Magic," a high-tech nighttime show, as part of a major expansion.
巴黎迪斯尼乐园推出了一个新的夜间表演 “迪斯尼魔法故事”,以无人机、同步喷泉、高清投影和超亮激光为特色。 Disneyland Paris has unveiled a new nighttime show, "Disney Tales of Magic," featuring drones, synchronized fountains, high-definition projections, and ultra-bright lasers. 作为20亿欧元扩张的一部分,这次表演标志着欧洲最受访主题公园的新篇章。 Part of a €2 billion expansion, the show marks a new chapter for Europe's most visited theme park. 该公园还准备在2025年春季将沃尔特·迪斯尼工作室公园改造为迪斯尼冒险世界,并在2026年增加了一个被冻结的土地世界。 The park is also set to transform Walt Disney Studios Park into Disney Adventure World in spring 2025 and add a World of Frozen themed land in 2026.