德里的2024-25年预算增加到77 700卢比,增加了地铁、补贴和妇女免费乘坐公交车。 Delhi's 2024-25 budget rises to Rs 77,700 crore, boosting metro, subsidies, and women's free bus travel.
德里政府已将其预算增加到2024-25年的77 700卢比,为德里地铁第四阶段、电力补贴和妇女乘坐公共汽车的免费旅行分配额外资金。 The Delhi government has increased its budget to Rs 77,700 crore for 2024-25, allocating extra funds for the Delhi Metro Phase IV, power subsidies, and free travel for women on buses. 订正预算还包括用于道路维修、学校建设和医院改善的更多资金。 The revised budget also includes more money for road repairs, school construction, and hospital improvements. 反对派批评政府不为包括地铁走廊和快速铁路项目在内的中央项目提供资金。 The opposition has criticized the government for not providing funds for central projects, including metro corridors and the Rapid Rail Project.