中文应用程序Temu因未在截止日期前注册在越南被暂停使用。 Chinese app Temu suspended in Vietnam for failing to register its business by the deadline.
由于未能在11月底的最后期限前登记其业务,因此在越南暂停了中国电子商务应用Temu。 Chinese e-commerce app Temu has been suspended in Vietnam after failing to register its business by the end-of-November deadline. 该公司由PDD控股公司拥有,于10月启动,提供大量折扣和免费航运,但越南当局对低价格和产品真实性提出了关切。 The company, owned by PDD Holdings, launched in October and offered significant discounts and free shipping, but Vietnamese authorities raised concerns over low prices and product authenticity. 暂停期不明,应用程序也在韩国和欧盟调查中。 The suspension's duration is unclear, and the app is also under investigation in South Korea and the EU.