中国发起了一个促进全球AI合作的联合国小组,有80多个国家参加。 China launched a UN group to boost global AI cooperation, attended by over 80 countries.
中国启动了一个新的联合国小组,即 " AI能力建设国际合作之友小组 " ,以加强全球AI合作。 China launched a new UN group, the Group of Friends for International Cooperation on AI Capacity Building, to enhance global AI cooperation. 该倡议由赞比亚共同主持,有80多个国家参加,目的是通过大赦国际促进伙伴关系和支持可持续发展。 The initiative, co-chaired with Zambia, was attended by over 80 countries and aims to foster partnerships and support sustainable development through AI. 它符合中国牵头的一项联合国决议,促进公平和非歧视性的AI环境。 It aligns with a UN resolution China led, promoting a fair and non-discriminatory AI environment.