中美首次政府间人工智能对话在日内瓦举行。 China and US held their first inter-governmental AI dialogue in Geneva.
中美两国将于5月14日在日内瓦举行首次政府间人工智能对话。 China and the US will hold their first inter-governmental dialogue on AI in Geneva on May 14th. 双方一致同意,此次会晤将重点讨论人工智能技术风险、全球治理以及双方共同关心的其他问题。 The meeting will focus on discussing technological risks associated with AI, global governance, and other mutual concerns, as agreed by both sides. 此次对话将落实两国元首旧金山会晤时达成的共识。 This dialogue will implement the consensus reached during the San Francisco summit between the two heads of state.