加拿大的贩毒定罪因前警官Robb Ferris的不当行为被推翻。 Canadian's drug trafficking conviction overturned due to misconduct by ex-police officer Robb Ferris.
由于维多利亚州前警官Robb Ferris的不当行为,一名加拿大男子被推翻了六年的贩毒判决。 A Canadian man's six-year drug trafficking sentence was overturned due to misconduct by former Victoria police officer Robb Ferris. Horst Schirmer的定罪无效,因为王室在审判时承认法律顾问无效,因为他的律师未能对Ferris的证据提出有效质疑。 Horst Schirmer's conviction was invalidated after the Crown conceded ineffective legal counsel at trial, as his lawyer failed to challenge Ferris's evidence effectively. Ferris在因19项不当行为指控而被解雇之前辞职,是该案的重要证人。 Ferris, who resigned before being fired for 19 misconduct counts, was a key witness in the case. 由于Ferris的参与,对三名主要芬太尼贩运者的指控也被撤销。 Charges against three major fentanyl traffickers were also dropped due to Ferris's involvement.