54岁的前警察侦探Andrew Talbot因盗窃4公斤可卡因、协助毒贩和在公职中行为失检而被定罪。 54-year-old ex-police detective Andrew Talbot convicted of stealing 4 kg cocaine, aiding drug dealer, and misconduct in public office.
前大曼彻斯特警方警探Andrew Talbot,54岁, 被判有罪 从警方储藏处盗取近4公斤可卡因 并供应给毒贩Keith Bretherton。 Former Greater Manchester Police Detective Andrew Talbot, 54, was found guilty of stealing nearly 4 kg of cocaine from police storage and supplying it to drug dealer Keith Bretherton. 他滥用警察资源帮助布莱特顿 追回20,000英镑的毒品债务 He misused police resources to aid Bretherton in recovering a £20,000 drug debt. Talbot面临公职中的不当行为和其他罪行的指控。 Talbot faces charges of misconduct in public office and other offenses. 在Talbot于8月被警察开除后, 两人将于2024年10月18日被判刑。 Both will be sentenced on October 18, 2024, after Talbot's dismissal from the police in August.