Birmingham父母因极端忽视和营养不良导致儿子死亡而被判有罪。 Birmingham parents found guilty of causing their son's death through extreme neglect and malnutrition.
一对伯明翰夫妇Tai和Naiyahmi Yasharahyalah被判犯有因极端忽视造成其三岁的儿子Abiyah死亡的罪行。 A Birmingham couple, Tai and Naiyahmi Yasharahyalah, have been found guilty of causing the death of their three-year-old son, Abiyah, through extreme neglect. Abiyah死于呼吸道疾病,营养不良、病、贫血和限制食用素食导致发育迟缓,加剧了呼吸道疾病。 Abiyah died from a respiratory illness exacerbated by malnutrition, rickets, anemia, and stunted growth due to a restrictive vegan diet. 躲避主流社会的父母将他的尸体埋在花园里,没有寻求医疗帮助。 The parents, who avoided mainstream society, buried his body in their garden without seeking medical help. 他们还被判定犯有虐待儿童和歪曲司法程序的罪行。 They were also convicted of child cruelty and perverting the course of justice. 这对夫妇将在下星期四判刑。 The couple will be sentenced next Thursday.