三名嫌疑人乘一辆偷来的卡车逃离警察,撞了一辆警车,并用锯掉的散弹枪离开。 Three suspects fled police in a stolen truck, rammed a police car, and left with a sawed-off shotgun.
三名嫌犯,23岁、27岁和29岁,在星期一从萨斯卡通警方逃离的一辆偷来的卡车后,正面临大约20项指控。 Three suspects, ages 23, 27, and 29, are facing about 20 charges after a stolen truck they were in fled from Saskatoon police on Monday. 司机撞上一辆警车并试图徒步逃跑。 The driver rammed a police vehicle and tried to escape on foot. 在卡车上发现了一把装满子弹的锯下来的猎枪。 A loaded, sawed-off shotgun was found in the truck. 指控包括逃避警察、拥有被盗财产、甲基苯丙胺和与枪支有关的犯罪。 Charges include evading police, possession of stolen property, methamphetamine, and firearm-related offenses. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.