15岁的青少年在偷来的汽车追逐中遭到枪击后被捕;面临谋杀未遂指控。 Teens, ages 15, arrested after firing shots during a stolen car chase; face attempted murder charges.
15岁的嫌疑人在一次偷乘车辆的追逐中被捕,乘客向副手开枪,但没有警员受伤。 Fifteen-year-old suspects were arrested after a stolen vehicle chase where the passenger fired shots at deputies, though no officers were injured. 嫌犯是在警察用钉子条拦住汽车后被捕的,青少年徒步逃离。 The suspects were apprehended after deputies used spike strips to stop the car and the teens fled on foot. 他们面临包括谋杀未遂和入室盗窃在内的指控。 They face charges including attempted murder and burglary. 莱昂·洛特警长计划在星期一的新闻发布会上提供更多的细节。 Sheriff Leon Lott plans to provide more details at a press conference on Monday.