青少年因在爱丁堡电子摩托车纠纷中谋杀Danielle Davidson被判处18年徒刑。 Teenager sentenced to 18 years for murdering Danielle Davidson in Edinburgh e-scooter dispute.
2023年5月,一名16岁男孩因电子摩托车纠纷,在爱丁堡刺伤33岁的丹妮尔·戴维森,在爱丁堡被处死。 他曾被控持有刀子,并被确认为现代奴隶制的受害者。 In May 2023, a 16-year-old boy, previously charged with knife possession and identified as a victim of modern slavery, stabbed 33-year-old Danielle Davidson to death in Edinburgh over an e-scooter dispute. 这名青少年最初否认这一罪行,在法庭播放了一段录像后认罪谋杀。 The teenager, who initially denied the crime, pleaded guilty to murder after a video was shown in court. 他因“骇人听闻和懦弱”的袭击而被判处至少 18 年监禁,这次袭击导致一个孩子的母亲戴维森因多处刺伤而死亡。 He was sentenced to a minimum of 18 years in prison for the "appalling and cowardly" attack, which left Davidson, a mother of one, dead from multiple stab wounds.