Tauranga的第一位毛利人管区议员Mikaere Sydney在生病和失去工资后筹集资金。 Tauranga's first Māori ward councillor, Mikaere Sydney, is raising funds after falling ill and losing his salary.
陶朗加的第一位毛利区议员 Mikaere Sydney 正在从一种罕见的脑炎中恢复,自 9 月休病假以来,他已经失去了 135,900 澳元的年薪。 Tauranga's first Māori ward councillor, Mikaere Sydney, is recovering from a rare form of encephalitis and has lost his $135,900 yearly salary since going on medical leave in September. 为了支持悉尼及其家庭,他的社区正在组织12月14日的“Maauaoathon”筹款活动,鼓励与会者在上午5时30分至下午5时30分之间尽可能多地攀登一个地方里程碑。 To support Sydney and his family, his community is organizing a "Mauaoathon" fundraiser on December 14, encouraging participants to climb a local landmark as many times as possible between 5:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 目标是筹集20,000美元。 The goal is to raise $20,000. 截至12月2日,已筹集了6 800美元以上。 As of December 2, over $6,800 has been raised. 如果悉尼在12月31日前无法复职,他必须申请进一步休假或辞职。 If Sydney cannot return to duty by December 31, he must apply for further leave or resign.